October 16, 2009

Crying Wolf

Jim Cramer on the general unease with Wall Street bonuses (hat tip Felix Salmon):

When I took a Master’s reading communism we learned these things. I took seven courses in communism. Lenin when he came in in 1917 thought that the bankers were making too much money, and confiscated all the wealth. The peasantry felt terrific about it. The bankers, many of them, were killed. And there was a terrific surge of opinion that Lenin was a great man. It didn’t work out.

It’s very easy for me. I know that, I can do that rap, I studied it. I know most of Lenin’s speeches during the period. And it’s really about stringing up guys like John Mack and feeling great about it. I’m not being facetious. I studied Lenin, and I was very caught up in this notion that the peasantry should win.

This should leave me speechless but it doesn't. First of, as Barney Frank would say, what planet does Cramer live on? Leaving aside the fact that he not-so-subtly equates Lenin 1917 with Obama 2008 (people with a sunny disposition might point out that, as far as demented comparisons go, this is a slight improvement over Hitler 1933), who exactly, in this insane fable, is the peasantry supposed to be? The 99.999% of the U.S. population who will not be getting a six figure Wall Street bonus maybe?


Anonymous said...

Will killing the bankers make the peasants richer or better off, or will it "make them feel better"?

Isam Laroui said...

I'm assuming (and hoping) your question is a rhetorical one. As a way of (not) answering it, I'm referring you to today's Krugman NYT column: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/19/
It seems the great majority of bankers are in fact not doing very well.