November 9, 2009

John Reed's Mea Culpa

So John Reed, Citibank's chairman in the 90s, feels bad and goes on record with a mea culpa:
We learn from our mistakes. When you’re running a company, you do what you think is right for the stockholders. Right now I’m looking at this as a citizen.
It's interesting to note that, in his mind, serving Citibank's shareholders and serving the citizens at large are necessarily two opposing endeavors. Not for him the tired cliché that says maximizing shareholder value is the patriotic thing to do.

But what's even sadder is that he's seemingly oblivious of how damning his statement really is. He says he tried to do "what's right for the stockholders". Well, we all know how that worked out: Citibank is now a ward of the state and a quasi-penny stock.

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