December 14, 2009

Walter Scott Bruan, Day Trading Pioneer, R.I.P.

The same words keep coming back when the many people whose life he touched hear about WSB's tragic death: a visionary, bigger than life, a huge heart, a father figure, a big brother, a mentor, an inspirer of dreams, a builder, a dear friend. Walter was even bigger than the day trading phenomenon of the late 90s that he helped create and develop.

He hired me as a trader in 1996 when Worldco was basically 10 guys in a small room. That it became, a few years later, what some people called, not always in a complimentary way, a day-trading factory with more than 1,000 traders, many of whom have gone on to have successful careers on and off Wall Street, is a testament to Walter's exuberant energy, ambition (for himself and especially for people around him) and vision. He will be greatly missed.

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