July 23, 2010


Just saw the movie Inception. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it and I don't think I'll be done anytime soon. Some people have been calling it "the greatest movie of all time", probably the same people who called Avatar the GMOAT; I wonder if they still feel that way. But it's definitely a mind-bending, brain-teasing masterpiece of a movie, inspired and informed by The Matrix but many orders of magnitude more complex. It is also the only movie I know of in which it takes an hour and a half for a van jumping off a bridge to reach the water below, in real time, or I should say dream time or more precisely dream-within-a-dream-within-a-dream time...or maybe movie time, I'll have to think about that.

P.S. This and this clarify (demystify?) the plot a little.

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