August 18, 2010

Trades/Orders (End of 8/18/10 Session)

One trade:

Sold YMU10 @10,448, covered @10,406; P&L: 42 points.

New orders:

Buy YMU10 @10,302 with 10,284 stop and 10,338 take-profit.
(Daily S1 pivot point is 10,288)

Sell YMU10 @10,448 with 10,466 stop and 10,412 take-profit.
(Daily R1 pivot point is 10,434; the 10,450-ish level acted as resistance the past 2 sessions)

[ For some background and a disclaimer, please read this post and especially this post. ]


Anonymous said...

Do you keep a tally? Are you willing to share it?

Isam Laroui said...

Hi, Anon. Thanks for your interest.

There's nothing to share really. It's all in the blog. You can add the June and July totals (indicated on the last post of each month) to the daily August P&Ls and you'll get a slightly positive tally. Nothing to write home about (in other words, inconclusive), which is OK as I'm still in learning/experimenting time. If and when I feel more confident in my trading methodology, I may start posting a daily running P&L.
I must admit to a fear of the jinx factor, though.