June 4, 2009


I was at the gym today and heard CNBC's Larry Kudlow berate a guy for basically saying "be careful, this market has gone too far too fast". First of all, when did Kudlow get a hair transplant? (If the Zero Hedge blog can cruelly make fun of a hapless "Latina woman"'s hair coloring, I can do the same for an equally hapless "white male man"'s mane). Second of all, Larry Kudlow's foaming at the mouth, going on and on about the "reflation trade" and the "China trade", and insulting anybody clueless and/or stupid enough not to be long the market, makes me want to tighten the stops on all my longs.


# 56 said...

Agreed re tightening the stops, although the run up "fix" is in. The regulators are not about to look for manipulation driving stocks higher. Paint the tape? Sure, knock yourself out. Will lead to significant overshoot on the upside, especially if today's number can be spun bullish. Revision? What is a revision?
And you can mock anyone you like anytime you like, no need to cite ZH for cover.

Isam Laroui said...

It appears you are right #56, given this morning's action.
As far as mocking people, it's not my forte so I tread very lightly if and when I'm spurred to doing it.