September 28, 2009

Financial Bloggers As the New Rock Stars

I wouldn't be much of a financial blogger if I didn't mention this epic New York Magazine article on financial bloggers. Despite some of the predictable bilious reactions it elicited, I found it pretty fair and balanced (not in the Fox News sense). I kind of liked the concluding paragraph:
Wall Street is about speculation, and Wall Street blogs are no different. At this point, Zero Hedge has staked everything on a doomsday scenario, a takedown of the old order, “a deleveraging at every level of modern society.” Even as the market has improved, the economy has shown glimmers of stability, and many of his fellow bears have capitulated, Ivandjiiski has clung ever more tightly to his convictions. The manipulation of the market will eventually fail, he believes, and the pyramid scheme will be exposed for all to see. But it better happen soon or Zero Hedge may lose its mojo. The higher the Dow Jones climbs, the more righteous he necessarily becomes: Every hopeful data point a fraud, every bull a conspirator. There’s an old Wall Street term for this, for when you hold firm to your belief in defiance of the market—fighting the tape. It’s considered inadvisable, but that’s what Ivandjiiski is doing, convinced that he is destined to win.

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